Paying It Forward

Hi, Tutors,

Every time you all give an hour or two to help an adult to read or to speak English, you are planting a seed of  wonder in that person that may one day flourish in amazing and unexpected ways.  I know that many lessons the last couple of weeks have included vocabulary like “gratitude,” and practice sentences have started, “I am thankful for…” with so many personal stories coming forth.  You may never know how your learners will “pay forward” the gift you share with them, but you persist nevertheless…and for that each of us at The Literacy Council is grateful this Thanksgiving.  It is your giving without reservation that makes you so special.

As we continue on from our day of thanksgiving to a season of gifting, let me share with you another little jewel from Film English called Pay it Forward.  This little video is appropriate for BOTH basic literacy and ESOL learners.   The theme is universal, requires reading in English (subtitles) and calls for an emotional response to the subject that will call many comprehension strategies into play.   I hope you watch it with your learners if for no other reason than it is a very special example of human compassion.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving, lder

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